Put simply, a Will is one of the most important documents you will ever write. It determines exactly where your money, property and possessions will go, and who will look after your nearest and dearest after you die.
- Intestacy – Dying without a Will means the Government may well decide where your assets will go and this can mean the state itself.
- Guardians – If you have children under 18 you need to appoint a legal guardian to care for them in the event of your death. If not the courts will decide.
- Protecting your home – How to protect your home from community care fees and future partners while guaranteeing that beneficiaries will inherit
- If you have married – Any previous Will is revoked and becomes invalid
- If you have separated – Your spouse could still claim part of your estate regardless of time apart
- If a person loses mental and / or physical capacity – Their accounts can be frozen and may only be accessed by friends and relatives with a lasting power of attorney
- Inheritance tax (IHT) – Expert financial services to help avoid expensive inheritance tax bills and make better provision for your family and your finances
An advantage
Peace of Mind
You will exactly know that your affairs are in order, including your family being clear of what is to happen to your estate.
An advantage
You’re in control
You may not wish to leave your estate to your family, if so your estate will be distributed according to the Rules of Intestacy.